Saturday 11 April 2020

New typical school day

The new normal of school at home is here. The girls do a variaety of activities throughout the day just like at school and they are different day to day as well. We do try to make sure that they work on everything though. The teachers send out work and they have to submit them as well as attend video conferences. It's been working ok, but we are still trying to all figure it out.

Friday 10 April 2020

Packing bubble angels

The girls had a whole bunch of packing bubbles from a package that they collected. Then they threw them all on the floor and made angels in them. They also had a good foamball fight at the end. They did a great job of packing away in the end too.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Water works out back

EV and MV were doing some water work in the back. The autumn is really starting here and while some days are still a bit warm the evenings are now getting cool. The girls took advantage of just one such warm day and they had good time. Both were quite drenched.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

All types of learning

EV has been learning and playing with her babies. She started playing a game where she covers her babies and puts them to bed. Her sisters used to play the same game. SV in the meantime worked with KT on her homework. They enjoyed spending time with each other for sure.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Conferencing on the zoom

Since the girls are home schooling now for the near to medium future, they are using technology more. This includes having catch ups with their classes via video conferencing. Suppose it's good they can do that but they certainly still miss their friends in person. Nonetheless they were all enthralled by the first video conference.

Monday 6 April 2020

In lock down

We've started our lock down and the girls are handling it well. EV has developed a couple of new skills including bypassing the baby gate and playing actual games with her sisters. SV is reading books in a box and making up games. MV is dressing up to look fabulous and really taking to her school work.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Enjoying snacks

EV continued her cuteness streak by sitting on the couch eating crackers. She certainly knows how to ham it up for the camera.