Saturday 19 November 2011

Meal with a view

On our little vacation we drove around Port Stephens and took in the sights. This time we came to a lookout with a great view, but before we could get out of the car SV got hungry and so we had to wait so she could feed.

Friday 18 November 2011

Relaxing at sunset

SV and TV were sitting and relaxing at the rental house as the sun was setting over the hills and shining through the balcony door. KT took advantage of the golden light to take a quick portrait.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Evening stroll

We decided to take an evening stroll to the beach just as the sun was setting. It made for some nice photographs and an interesting scramble up the rocky path back to the street from the beach.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

At the beach

Following on from her first picnic, SV had her first ocean experience dipping her feet briefly at Fingal Bay beach. The bright sun made her shut her eyes, making it seem like she was asleep.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

First picnic

SV and KT enjoying a picnic lunch by the beach before going in Fingal Bay. Fingal Bay was the next little community to where we were staying at Shoal Bay. Our little peanut was in her peanut shell where she enjoyed a nice nap.

Monday 14 November 2011

Tummy time

This two photographs are from our week long trip to Shoal Bay which is within the Port Stephens area about three hours drive north of Sydney. SV is beginning to be interested in toys and learning to lay on her tummy.She has really been enjoying mirrors and talking to her friend in the mirror. At this point in her development she doesn't realise it is only a reflection and believes that it's actually a different person.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Reading animal books

SV is reading one of her many books, thanks to all that have contributed to her library. At first SV was excited, but as the yarn unfolded she became somewhat dubious of what her mom was "reading" her. Especially since there were no words in the book.