Saturday 10 August 2019

Getting ready to go

MV got ready in a flash and sat back to read her book. SV wasn't quite quick enough and EV stepped in to 'help'. EV was definitely proud, we're just not sure if it was because she helped SV or because she climbed the step by herself. Either way all three were eventually ready to go outside.

Friday 9 August 2019

Dress ups and laptop

The girls came downstairs wearing their dress ups, one a kitty and the other a beautiful butterfly. EV watched them parade around while munching on her breakfast. Eventually everyone had breakfast before moving on to play with the Slovak laptop. They were learning some of the Slovak words and practised saying them as part of a game.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Learning Monopoly

SV was really keen to play board games and picked out Monopoly to learn. She's been wanting to play it for a while and so we agreed. MV joined in too and both of them actually caught on quite quickly. They enjoyed it so much that when Uncle Mat came over they played with him as well.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Trying out applied science

We went to a shop that had a few science projects. When we were home we tried out a few of them including several uses of air pressure. We made a balloon powered helicopter and car. The girls enjoyed playing while TV and KT explained the physics behind how it worked.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Backyard lunch

We had a lovely warm winter day and decided to have lunch outside. It was very pleasant and made the food taste even better. Afterwards KT read a book and enjoyed the cuddles. EV used the fine weather to work on her walking and baby driving.

Monday 5 August 2019

New garden centre

Well, it's new to us anyway. The girls had a good time selecting plants for themselves and for our friends. In the end we only just managed to get everything in the car which looked more like a jungle.

Sunday 4 August 2019