Saturday 7 May 2022

Stepping up the rides

 After we rode some of the smaller rides we stepped up to some of the more action packed rides. We had a bit of fun on the dodgems and the airplane ride before going on really exciting ride. The spinning Shockwave was another particular favourite amongst the whole family. We all got to go on it at least once. There were quite a few photo opportunities along the way too and here are a couple of highlights from those.

Friday 6 May 2022

First experience of the theme park

 We finally managed to get into the theme park and immediately headed to the kid rides. This area is Madagascar and Shrek themed which the kids really liked. The roller coaster and the dronkey rides were some of the first the girls rode, and actually ended up being some of the favourite ones throughout the trip. The classic swing ride was good fun too though. These riders were the perfect warm up for what was to come up next.

Thursday 5 May 2022

Couldn't wait to get in the pool

 The theme park didn't open until 10:30 and since we were up early, TV took the girls to the pool for a swim. They were super excited to swim and were having such a good time that they really didn't even want to leave to go to the theme park. We managed to lure them away with a promise of a dip in the big outdoor bath though. Even with all of these activities we managed to get to the theme park just before it opened.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Vaclaveks flying again

 Finally the day has arrived when we could all get back in the air after this pandemic. Flying is a little bit different but honestly not much. We worked with the girls before the flight to remind them about the general rules of flying and the extra need to wear masks, after all they hadn't flown for 2.5 years. None of that mattered as we were all excited to go on a flying holiday that even carrying car seats through the car park was a breeze. EV finally got to ride a trunki through the airport and she of course loved it. The other two were a touch jealous but even they got a little turn. It was fun to look at the plane and work on some activities prior to boarding. Gave everyone a chance to unwind a little before getting on the airplane. We now take up the large part of two rows which is nice as we can spread out a bit, particularly on this flight where no one sat next to us. The girls got straight into their entertainment, although SV true to form checked the safety booklet before watching her shows.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Revisiting the hippo park

We took EV to the hippo park, and it turns out she may not have actually been there before. In any case she is the perfect age for the park as she really got a kick out of the hippo. She could also climb all over everything and do all of the activities. She really liked the big swing as well and had fun despite not having her sisters there with her.


Monday 2 May 2022

Hanging out with Scarlett

 SV's friend Scarlett came out and we took her out for lunch. We went to Taco Bell which she hadn't been to before. Afterwards we went to a bubble tea shop which has some very interesting decorations. All of the girls really enjoyed their food and had a bit of fun too.

Sunday 1 May 2022

A random park

 We stopped to have some lunch outside and found this little park. It was not busy, most likely because it was a bit hard to get through since there was a really muddy or wet part that we had to get through. The girls had fun running around and as usual, exploring. EV managed to go through the round circles for the first time which was exciting. The funny thing was as we were leaving the park we saw a little boy doing a nudie run during which he almost bumped into MV and SV.