Friday 18 January 2008

Travel Deal

We found a great deal to get to Sydney from CA.
You can come either in May or August from SF or LA for less than $1000. You can also add stop overs in other places along the way for $150 more. This is a really good deal, but you must book by the end of February. Thought we would pass it on if anyone is interested.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Southern Beach Holiday

We decided to take a break from Sydney and go on a short beach holiday. The roads were flooded and washed out north of Sydney so we went south instead. We had a chance to view some very nice scenery along the way including Sublime Point Lookout. Our first stop was in Kiama to look at the lighthouse and various sized blowholes. We couldn't resist having some fun drinking beer on the motel balcony. From Kiama we went further south to Jervis Bay and Hyams beach. Hyams Beach has the whitest sand in the world according to Guiness World Records, ha eat your heart out Hawaii. The sand was super bright, and made a squeky noise when we walked on it. It was a very beautiful beach with very few people on it. We also visited Cave Beach in the Jervis Bay National Park, which was a good surf beach with lots of enthusiasts. Moving further south we made it to Ulladulla where we set up our accommodations. We took a further drive south to Pebbly Beach to observe the wild animals on the beach. We saw kangaroos that are reputed to body surf there, but when we saw them they were more concerned with eating their dinner. Rich got up in the birds business while there as well. The birds were very tame, eating seeds out of peoples hands, making for some good photo opportunities. On the way back to Kiama we stopped at the Australian Navy Aircraft Museum to take in the Aussy planes and helis. Rich and Kt were a bit skeptical at first, but we all ended up having fun. The museum was well presented and interesting stories about the planes and people that flew them kept us interested the whole time. Finally in Kiama again we had a nice dinner followed by ice cream at the harbour.

Monday 14 January 2008

Rich around Sydney

Here are some more photos of us and Rich hanging around Sydney. Rich and Dad at Featherdale animal park enjoying the Koala. We also ended up doing the scenic Sydney Tower skywalk, where you get to walk around on top of the tower while walking on glass platforms allowing you to look at the ground and surrounding buildings 268 meters below. You get to walk around in some great jumpsuits that tend to be a tad short. Our friend Lawrence came along with us, and we had a great time even with the 56 kmph winds. Rich also got to see some of the nice beaches and vistas in the Royal National Park.

We are Moving

We hope that everyone had a good New Years. We have decided to move from our little apartment into a bigger two bedroom apartment. The move will occur next Monday and we will be sending an email to everyone with the new address, most likely next week assuming the internet transfer goes smoothly.
On a side note we will be putting up some more photos shortly from the time that Rich has been here.