Saturday 1 March 2014

Victoria Park

We met up with Uncles Carlos and Damian at Victoria Park for a brunch. SV managed to contain herself most of that time, but she had to run and explore the new park. She had a fantastic time with the new apparatus, and TV didn't mind trying it out either.

Friday 28 February 2014

School run

Here are a couple of photographs from SV's trips to and from school, including some detours to the park.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Sunset picnic

It was a very balmy evening so we decided to have a picnic near the bay to take advantage. It turned out to be a great choice, just to relax and watch the sun slowly set. SV really enjoyed her hamburger treat while watching people and dogs walking on the beach.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Heli flight day

For christmas KT got TV a helicopter flying lesson. Consequently we drove out to Bankstown Airport for TV to actually do the lesson and fly a helicopter. SV was very intrigued by the entire trip. When we started watching the instructional video she was hooked. Then as we went out to look at the helicopters her interest was peeking, but when she got to sit in one and play with the controls she was hooked. The only sad part was when TV went on his flight she wanted to go too but wasn't allowed.

Afterwards we went to Bankstown for lunch because it's quite famous for Vietnamese and Lebanese cuisine. We had a great Vietnamese lunch followed by delicious Lebanese dessert to make sure we sampled both cuisines. SV had a blast and was rather proud as she walked down the street with a biscuit.

Monday 24 February 2014

Pre-flight playground jaunt

To understand the title you may have to wait until tomorrow (it's a bit of a teaser). In any case SV is getting the hang of her tricycle. She now steers, brakes and pedals all by herself. Having said that she does need a reminder sometimes and the pedalling is pretty much restricted to downhill or at best flat parts.

At the park she is now climbing ladders and pretty much able to negotiate all aspects of the park. It's nice for us so that we don't have to worry about her too much as she climbs around.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Potty training bear

Bear is a bit lazy and doesn't want to use the potty. SV therefore took it upon herself to teach him and keep him entertained. She read him books quite patiently and even checked to make sure if he had a wee.