Saturday 6 June 2015

MV in detail

Babies are very interesting and unique when they are first born. Here are some of MV's little parts that make up the whole kid. Some of these parts don't get much attention so we are highlighting them here.

Friday 5 June 2015

The Polish Club

SV has been excited about going to the Polish Club for about a week for some reason. She wore her new dress and had her hair done for the occasion. We are not quite sure why she was so excited, but she was very happy throughout. Perhaps part of it was that she knew Uncle Nick would be there. She also got to see Uncle Harlan and Auntie Rowena again too. MV got to meet them all for the first time, although she wasn't quite as excited about the event.

Thursday 4 June 2015

First family outing

For our first family outing we took the girls for sushi train and to do some shoe shopping. SV was very helpful in putting in MV's seat and test driving the pram. SV needed new gumboots and regular boots since winter was coming. We were partially successful in that, but the day was a success overall.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

SV makes a house call

RN Midwife SV makes a house call and administers some medicines for her little patient. MV is put on a strict regime of playing in the swing and holding legos before she has a long sleep.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

MV's first movie

MV got to go to her first movie with both of her parents. She is following in her big sisters footsteps who went to a fair few movies in her time as a baby. MV was well behaved as she had a small lunch and slept through the movie and subsequent lunch. SV missed out on the movie since she was at school, but she still enjoyed her stickers as a consolation prize.

Monday 1 June 2015

Cuddling in bed together

SV asked for MV to cuddle with her. She in turn then showed MV her turtle. After SV went to sleep MV got to play on her activity mat. She, like her big sister, was fascinated by the mirror, and was certainly not impressed by the toucan.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Gorgeous Ladies

Both in digital and on film, these ladies are gorgeous.

Ice skating again

TV and SV went ice skating again while KT and MV hung out and rested. SV again improved and is doing quite well, although she was a bit more hesitant this time. MV got a bath and then fed herself to give KT a bit more time to recuperate.