Saturday 25 October 2014

SV's 3rd Birthday Party: Part 1

For SV's 3rd birthday party we wanted to do something that she would really enjoy. So we booked a party at an indoor playground and invited a bunch of her friends. She had a great time running around the play equipment with her friends. All we had to do is watch from a distance and let her enjoy herself. She and her friends took advantage and play all around.

Friday 24 October 2014

Planting the garden

After buying more dirt we set out to finish the garden project. With SV's help all of the plants are now planted and watered. She got to pick where everything went within the planter box and she has taken on the responsibility for the plants. Now we observe and wait, enjoying the flowers while the produce grows.

Thursday 23 October 2014

SV meets Squishy

After our scan we receive some ultrasound images of Squishy. SV was very interested in seeing them and then having a discussion about them. We showed her the head, arms, tummy and legs. She was very happy to see Squishy wave in the pictures.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Fun with Grandma CeCe

SV and Grandma CeCe are having a good time enjoying each other's company. From drawing to playing catch, it's all fun. SV even helped unpack the luggage making sure to pick out her presents.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Hunter's Party

It is certainly birthday party season for SV's friends. Possibly because most of them are from the same mother's day group and consequently born around the same time. SV had a good time playing with a bunch of stuff including the killer whale. She really enjoyed catching up with some of her friends too.

Monday 20 October 2014

Little yellow dress

A sunny dress for a sunny kid. SV was very happy to open her birthday box from Babicka. The best part was that she got to do it while Babicka watched via Skype. SV liked her new clothes and folded them very carefully. There was a musical card which was a hit and a book with a magnifying glass from Uncle Richy and Auntie Lolly that is a favourite as well.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Little gardener princess

We got SV a big bin for her to have a little garden outside along with some equipment. TV and SV put it together and that made SV really excited. She couldn't wait to go out and start filling it with dirt and actually doing some planting. When we actually put all of the dirt into it we found that we were significantly short. Didn't really matter to SV though as she still enjoyed helping out and watering the plants.