Saturday 10 November 2018

Hair time with EV

SV likes to play a game where she uses her hair to give her sisters a wig when they don't have their own hair yet. She did it with MV as well. MV has also tried doing it but wasn't successful this time as EV got hungry and yelled about it. Instead MV and SV got to sit with Grandma CeCe.

Friday 9 November 2018

Park time

MV and SV went to the park to expend some energy before dinner. They each found their own way to have fun and burn off excess energy.

Thursday 8 November 2018

City excursion

We went into the city to take care of some business and EV got to come along. She ended up with a miniature flag, a nappy change and a bit of sandwich on her head. Successful day.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Hats and hair

EV got to try on a couple of hats which she may or may not have enjoyed. Then SV let her try out a new hair do as well which went over a bit better.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Breakfast babies

We had a great start to the morning with MV getting to open a little present for sleeping through a whole week of nights without a nappy. She has really got a hang of it. EV was also quite excited and showed her newly minted smile to everyone. After breakfast we all played, sometimes together and other times by ourselves.

Monday 5 November 2018

Making faces

Everyone wanted to make faces, but there was lots of love shared as well.

Sunday 4 November 2018

SV's couple dancing

SV had an exhibition of what she has been working on, which is to say couples dancing. She did really well and had fun too. All the kids did well and were very proud at the end. It was fun to see.