Saturday 29 April 2023

Exploring the play room

 The first morning after getting to Stara Tura the girls went into the play room to explore. They found all sorts of things to play with and kept themselves busy. That was perfect as it allowed TV to get everything set up for the rest of the stay.

Friday 28 April 2023

Visiting Hradčany

 Before heading out of Praha we stopped in to see Hradčany where the castle and Cathedral of St Vitus are. We found a great car park and so we walked around for a while without getting tired out by the walk up. We couldn't go inside the cathedral due to Easter services but we did see it from the outside. There were also some markets on which we looked at. Alas far too soon we had to head out, but Slovakia awaited us.

Thursday 27 April 2023

Visiting Praha's astrological clock Orloj

 We walked over o see Praha's famous clock Orloj which is built on the side of the old town hall building. We even waited to see the figurines move when the clock struck 7am, but we were disappointed as the figures didn't make their way out. It was still nice to hear the bells and TV explained a little bit about the clock. We then headed back to the hotel for a hot breakfast which we needed and well deserved. On the way we found a store selling funny rubber ducks with all sorts of costumes. We also stopped in to hear a brief part of an Easter service, but breakfast proved to be too tempting.

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Walking on Karlův Most

 The girls woke up really early and we ended up walking on Karlův Most quite early in the morning in the cold. The only other people out were photographers hopping to catch a nice sun rise over Hradčany. Unfortunately for them, rain clouds came in and ended any such hopes, but that meant we virtually had the entire bridge to ourselves. That was quite special as usually there are thousands of people crossing it. The girls really enjoyed looking at all of the statues and asking questions about them. Plus just having some peace in the city.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Dinner and a beer

 After all of that wandering we got quite an appetite and found a nice place for dinner. We all had a drink and really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere to have a tasty meal. 

Monday 24 April 2023

Finding a secret garden

 As we walked through Praha we stumbled on a rather large garden which had a number of peacons roaming through it. The girls really enjoyed walking through the garden and seing not only the peacocks but also the koi in the pond. It was such a nice surprise to find and quite a pleasure to wander through.

Sunday 23 April 2023

Walking through Praha

 After climbing the tower we went for a bit of a walk through Praha. We did a little souvenir shopping along the way as well. The girls used SV's new scarf to stay together and not get lost.We found some pretty neat things and we really enjoyed wandering around the city.