Saturday 16 December 2017

MV's childcare xmas party

This year MV's xmas party at childcare worked out really well since we could all go. It was fun and she enjoyed having all of us there. She also enjoyed showing us around the centre. SV had a blast in the ball pit area and the outdoor play area while we enjoyed catching up with people in a more sedate way.

Friday 15 December 2017

2017 Mikulas

This is the first time that MV understood Mikulas, but SV was very show happy to show her how it works. They were both really excited about what they got in the shoes and even acknowledged that they deserved the wooden spoon for being a bit bad. On the way to school they were both really excited though and chattering happily.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Family fun day Sunday at the brewery

Sydney has developed quite the craft beer culture and we have started taking advantage a bit. Some of TV's work mates are quite into their beers and know most of the breweries. On this Sunday afternoon Michael invited us out for a drink to a really family friendly one near our house. We brought Uno and bingo which we all played for a quite some time while listening to live music and drinking some great beers. It was a really fun way to end the weekend, having some stress free family time.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Park time after the park

After riding scooters in the park it was time to go to the park to play. We did stop for a bit of a snack break as well just to refuel. Then we had more playing before finally stopping for lunch. The girls both really enjoyed pushing their boundaries on the different equipment, but they also played very nicely together. SV was certainly being a good big sister.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Riding in the park

We went back to the park that has the little roads in it for riding. The park also has fun little obstacles to ride on. SV is getting very confident on the bike while MV is really learning to ride the scooter. We were really impressed with their progress.

Monday 11 December 2017

Picnic and then park

We had a nice little picnic at the pool before we went for a bit of a play at the park. The kids hadn't been to this particular park for a long time, so they had fun getting reacquainted with it again.

Sunday 10 December 2017

At the pool again

We hadn't gone to the pool for a while so we took advantage of the warm day to do so. It wasn't quite as busy as we expected, which was good. The girls really enjoyed being back in the water. They certainly hadn't lost any skills, and in fact were more confident than ever.