Saturday 1 April 2023

Ice cream dessert

 The girls decided to make some ice cream desserts after having a hearty dinner. They got the chocolate sauce out too to make it special.

Friday 31 March 2023

Relaxing in the big bed

 After a fairly big day of running around and celebrating democracy the younger two girls went and watched a bit of tv. They were well relaxed and very focused so that us taking photographs didn't even register with them.

Thursday 30 March 2023

Democracy sausage

 Even though we voted earlier we still walked up to the school for a Democracy Sausage. The polls were very busy so we were glad to only be there for a feed. SV missed out as she went to her mates house where they all sorts of things including chalk drawings on the footpath.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

A bit more shopping

 Not for ourselves this time though. We went and got a few presents in preparation for our trip. It was fun doing a quick trip where we used SV as a model to try out sizing for some of the presents. She was only lukewarm about it.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Vinny comes over

 EV's best from came over for a play. It was quite a warm day so they played outside with water and rode around on scooters and other toys. They then came inside to play other games once the girls picked them out. Vinny just went along with it and enjoyed himself. Eventually they got tired and they watched a bit of television to recharge before playing again.

Monday 27 March 2023

New babysitter

 No, it's not Uncle Mat as the new babysitter. He happened to stop by so that KT and TV could get a lift to a show with him. The girls really enjoyed playing games with Cassidy and really enjoyed their time with her. 

Sunday 26 March 2023

Park with Scarlett

 Scarlett came over for a play and we went to the park for a while. The girls all played together on the swings before going and sitting in the grass for a while. They played with some of the dogs that came to the park. EV wanted to have more time on the equipment so she came over and did that which was good as the older girls wanted to talk a bit more.