Saturday 14 September 2013

New pool

SV got to try out a new pool. She really liked how this new pool has some water features that come out of the ground for her to play in, and it has a normal pool. She of course wanted to try both, and TV encouraged her since it was all free.

Friday 13 September 2013

Father's Day revisited

Here are a few more photographs from Father's Day including our brunch in the city. It was really fun to get dressed up and go into the CBD for a nice meal.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Speaking with the President

SV had a lovely discussion with Barack Obama. Of course SV was quite busy eating her kiwi but the President didn't seem to mind. It gave them both a bit of time before their international debate.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Shopping mall cars

SV has taken to riding in all the various cars in the shopping centre. She seems quite happy just to sit in them and climb on them a bit, so we haven't bothered to pay money to turn them on. She is happy to make her own fun.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Red coat rambler

TV and SV went and visited KT at work where they met outside and had a nice sunny lunch. SV enjoyed it but then she wanted to run around the pocket park. That of course entailed exploring every inch of it, even the bushes.

Monday 9 September 2013

Fluffy coat

As a present from Grandma Marta SV got a white fluffy coat which we thought was a bit too diva for her. But then again what do we know, she certainly sees no problem with it.


Sunday 8 September 2013

The slide incident

SV is getting to be so much more mobile and confident. Her coordination and strength have been constantly improving, along with her self confidence. See below for an example of her new found prowess.