Saturday 27 August 2016

Back in Plzen

At the end of our first day we ended up back in Plzen, home of Czech Republic's most famous breweries. It seems that every time we go to Plzen, there seems to be some sort of festival including this time. This time it was a festival which was primarily aimed at kids and which SV and MV both really enjoyed. They got to listen and dance to some Czech kids music (although it was slightly dubious) and do all sorts  of arts and crafts activities. The cathedral in Plzen served as a great backdrop for the evening. Eventually we managed to eat something but pretty soon MV was overwhelmed and absolutely crashed. The rest of us followed closely behind.

Friday 26 August 2016

Nuremberg shopping

After landing in Frankfurt we got ready and headed to Nuremberg to do a little bit of shopping. The reason being is that last time we were in Germany TV got some pants that fit really well and he wanted to get some more again. It turned out to be a really good and fun side trip. We explored the old part of the city and the girls found some street buskers that they really liked.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Laying over in Hong Kong

We had a short 2 hour layover in Hong Kong at the brand new terminal. They had a good little kids area which was unsurprisingly not terribly busy at 11 o'clock at night. MV and SV both relaxed at first and then after gathering a last bit of energy ran around quite a bit. They then slept really well on the flight to Frankfurt.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Another big adventure awaits

We are setting off on yet another big adventure. The ladies are going around the world again, 3rd time for SV and 2nd for MV, while TV has to come back at the halfway mark. We are well and truly ready for a holiday and to see family and friends again. We are all very excited and as has become the norm we got our adventure started in the lounge at Sydney airport which really set a good direction for the trip.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Vietnamese dinner with our friends

We met up with Uncle Carlos and Uncle Damian for some Vietnamese dinner since they were leaving Sydney again. We had fun but we were all quite tired with the exception of MV who was over tired and quite jazzy as a result. One benefit was that she ate a fantastic dinner although poor KT wore some of it.

Monday 22 August 2016

Walking around town

We were in the city and walking around the Broadway area which we haven't really explored in a long time. We found this nice plaza area again which was quite empty before dinner. SV and MV both enjoyed running and jumping around, but they both had separate falls just after these photographs were taken. They were both ok though.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Doing their toes

It was such a nice morning that KT painted SV's toes outside. They had fun and MV was fascinated to see it happen. She even let KT paint one of her toes to join in. SV was very patient and le her toes dry thoroughly, including the spots.