Saturday 30 April 2016

Grandma CeCe's Birth Day is still going

Cockatoo Island is quite an interesting historical site which dates back to penal colony days. It is also a wonderful industrial backdrop for an art installation like the Biennale. We walked around the old ship building yards and took in the various art installations which also made for some spectacular photography. MV missed the first part of the walk as she was snoozing pretty hard, but when she woke up she really quite enjoyed it.

Friday 29 April 2016

Grandma CeCe's Birth Day continued

After lunch we went down to the ferry which of course became a bit of an adventure. MV needed her nappy changed after which we realised that we were in the wrong place and had to drive to another area to catch the ferry. The view from the wharf was wonderful and everyone was in a great mood. Once we made landfall again MV needed a fresher snack and fell right asleep while the rest of us enjoyed the day.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Grandma CeCe's Birth Day

Grandma CeCe started her day with two chatty monkeys waking her up and demanding her attention. She was then presented with her gifts by the entire committee. After getting ready we all headed out for a nice lunch in Balmain. It was a great place in a shaded front yard, watching people walk by and just enjoy the perfect weather. The food was really nice making it a fantastic lunch.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

A home day

Taking it easy and trying to prevent everyone from getting sick, we stuck around the house and took it easy. It was nice to take it easy and do some things around the house. The girls also appreciated the down day.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Making biscuits and other shenanigans

While SV helped make biscuits with KT, MV played with some of her toys. MV is feeling better and is walking around some more. She has taken a liking to her purple bear which SV dressed up in a jumper. First she cuddled the bear and pretended to take a nap with it, before walking around like a pirate. She also showed the bear around the house giving it a hug every once in a while.

Monday 25 April 2016

Puzzles and stamps

SV started the day with puzzles and moved on to doing stamping with Grandma CeCe. MV was happy to sit around and play. She is getting over a cold which has slowed her down just a bit. Her curiosity hasn't been dampened though.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Blocks and shower

MV was excited to have TV come home and they both really enjoyed playing with blocks. After playing with the blocks for a while they played at packing away which was as much fun for MV. She got quite tired afterwards though, to the point of falling asleep in the shower.