Saturday 22 October 2022

MV and SV day

 This time around MV and SV hung out with TV. They finally got around to doing some of their activities which they really enjoyed. Afterwards they went to lunch and some bubble teas before TV finished off the work day.

Friday 21 October 2022

EV and MV day

 TV took the younger girls to the park and to walk around a bit. It was fun as we had some lunch in the park as well. Turned out to be a nice day despite TV having to work as well.

Thursday 20 October 2022

Leaving Faulconbridge

 On the way home we wanted to have a quick look at one more thing which led to a short bushwalk. Then we stopped in for a quick lunch as well.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Playing indoors

 The kids really got on well and enjoyed playing together. They hung out and played all sorts of games in the mornings and evenings. The nice thing about so many kids together was that they always had someone to play with and different activities happening.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Some down time together

 After quite a bit of running around and while waiting for dinner to be made the kids enjoyed some down time. They watched some tele and hung out together.

Monday 17 October 2022

Arriving in Faulconbridge

 We managed to get together with our friends again for a weekend away in the mountains. The kids were excited to have access to a huge yard again and ran around when we arrived. As their friends arrived as well they all played outside and bubbles were quite a big hit.

Sunday 16 October 2022

Cracking that coconut

 Literally, EV and KT were trying to crack a coconut on the back porch. They managed it, even saving some of the milk. Unfortunately we had waited a bit too long to crack it wasn't quite at its best. The process was fun though, and EV enjoyed all of it.