Tuesday 10 December 2013

In the campervan

This trip would not have been the same without our trusty campervan, and here is a bit of a tribute to how well it served us. Richie and SV took advantage of the large bed in the back to jump around and get some of that pent up energy out. SV also used that space as a game room, sometimes even when there was laundry drying there. The smaller breakfast table we used quite often as well for our meals, although we ate a couple of times at the big table as well which made up the bed in the back. Richie also had his separate man-cave where he could retreat for a bit of privacy, or spy from above. The kitchen was actually pretty good and the gas stove and hot water made cooking inside convenient. The bathroom got some good use too, and on the second or third attempt SV started enjoying having showers in there, mostly because of the bubbles that the shower made on her tummy.

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