Monday 9 April 2012

Slovakia to Hong Kong via Vienna

The day we were leaving Slovakia it started snowing lightly in the morning before we left. That was not only unexpected as earlier in the week it was around 25C or in the 70sF. It sure made it pretty though, and gave SV her first snowfall experience. We drove to Vienna where we walked around the old city and stopped in for a coffee and schnitzel with our little air traveler. At the Viennese airport we spent some time and took photographs of SV with Sacher torts (in Australia people pronounce her name that way so we thought it was funny).
We had a short flight to Zurich where we transferred to our flight to Hong Kong with a minor layover. SV lounged around as we got ready for another of the 11+ hour flights in our itinerary and got her prepared for her overnight sleep. We were very tired, but the Swiss Air staff were very friendly and all three of us slept quite well and long most of the way, only waking up somewhere over Vietnam.


Connie said...

That sweet little baby looks completely "tuckered out" as we used to say in Texas, Ha!

TV said...

Ha ha, she certainly was. But to be fair, all three of us were tired. We did a lot of good socializing in Slovakia.

Connie said...

I can only imagine... I know they really know how to party in Slovakia!!!