Tuesday 10 April 2012

Arriving in Hong Kong

The fifth and last leg of the World Tour has started in Hong Kong. When we arrived we took advantage of the fabulous airport express train into Kowloon before catching a cheap (by Sydney standards) taxi to our hotel. Once in our room we were impressed by the size of our suite which we were upgraded to for the duration of our stay. When we started unpacking we noticed how many toys SV had already received on her tour and we decided to take a photograph with most of them. Some we had sent home already to make space in our suitcase, and there were still a few in our other suitcases that we missed. As the photograph shows, people were entirely too generous with the number of toys and everything else they gave SV. All three of us really appreciate it though.


Carol Allen said...

Just like shoes, a girl can never have enough toys!!!!!!

TV said...

Ha ha, true.