Wednesday 4 May 2022

Vaclaveks flying again

 Finally the day has arrived when we could all get back in the air after this pandemic. Flying is a little bit different but honestly not much. We worked with the girls before the flight to remind them about the general rules of flying and the extra need to wear masks, after all they hadn't flown for 2.5 years. None of that mattered as we were all excited to go on a flying holiday that even carrying car seats through the car park was a breeze. EV finally got to ride a trunki through the airport and she of course loved it. The other two were a touch jealous but even they got a little turn. It was fun to look at the plane and work on some activities prior to boarding. Gave everyone a chance to unwind a little before getting on the airplane. We now take up the large part of two rows which is nice as we can spread out a bit, particularly on this flight where no one sat next to us. The girls got straight into their entertainment, although SV true to form checked the safety booklet before watching her shows.

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