Saturday 6 August 2022

General Sherman walk

 After lunch we went to take a look at the biggest tree in the world, the General Sherman tree. It is the biggest tree in the world by weight rather than height, but regardless it was impressive. When we all stood next to each other we only managed to span about half the width of the base as shown by the gray bricks. EV decided to bring her otter on the walk but she couldn't quite control it as it tried to attack briefly. Eventually we got it under control though and were able to walk around the giant tree. There were a few other attractions as well including another log that had a tunnel cut into it. We were very proud of the girls because they managed to walk all the way down and all the way back up the hill from the trees without complaint. This was especially impressive as quite a few adults had to stop to catch their breath along the way, but we all managed to walk right up at a nice steady pace while talking about what we saw.

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