Thursday, 29 October 2015

Transiting through FRA and VIE to Slovakia

We flew into Frankfurt after a pretty good flight during which we all got some sleep. When we got to Frankfurt we had just over three hours to wait for our flight to Vienna so we caught the train shuttle and went into the lounge to get some peace and quiet before the next flight. What a difference that was compared to the loud and bustling terminal (thanks again for the tip JN and AN). 

The flight to Vienna was actually really good as both the girls slept while KT and TV rested. Once in Vienna we picked up our rental car for the next couple of weeks. It felt quite nice to be in the car and heading to Slovakia. We made really good time so on the way to Stara Tura we made a small detour to Beckov Castle so that SV could begin her castle tour. Despite the grumpy face she was quite excited and kept talking about it for the next hour.

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