Thursday 18 September 2014

Real skiing

In the afternoon of the second day at the snow SV wanted to ski some more, making sure to ski all the way down the run. Having learned from the previous day's exertion, TV decided that it was time to get a lift ticket. SV was thrilled at not only being able to ski all the way from the top to the bottom, but she also had fun watching the people from above on the chair lift. Towards the end of her second hour of skiing SV no longer wanted to hold TV's hand, and wanted to go down all by herself. She did it a number of times without falling, and on a couple of occasions she even managed to make single turns. She was really working on shifting her weight around and observing what that did to her skis. SV continued to learn while having fun, and TV couldn't help but beam with pride and joy.

It was also no surprising that she had a very good nap in the car on the way home to Sydney. Even after waking up she was more than happy to sit in the seat and read books.

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