Thursday 26 June 2014

"Mexican" dinner

By now we should realise that the Mexican food is generally not that good here in Australia, but we tried a place anyway. It started out fine with the chips and guacamole being pretty good if a bit bland. SV had a little make your own taco/burrito plate which had very bland ingredients and the chicken was just boiled chicken with zero spices. TV got a burrito which sounded different, hey how bad can it be, right?! Well if you ever see a burrito with slivered almonds, sour cream, green tomatilo sauce and chicken, stay away! It was the worst burrito we have ever had, seriously, TV couldn't even finish it which says a lot. KT was the only one that ended up getting something that was ok with her enchiladas. We still had fun looking at the kooky "Mexican" decorations.

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