Our trip to Melbourne began like any good trip should, with lunch at the local joint. The clever title worked and we partook of the tasty chips with africa sauce (garlic mayo, tomato sauce and sweet onion). Our hotel was perfectly situated to have a view of Federation Square where a lot of happenings were happening, there was also an aptly named bar.
After exploring our immediate neighborhood we took off to see the rest of the city and it's residents. Melbourne has a wonderful network of alleys and little shops that we explored. Melbourne has various forms of transport including horse drawn carriages, light rail and the more traditional buses etc. We found an interesting restaurant that was trying to remind us of someone. What trip would be complete without seeing a protest, this one happened to be protesting the aggressive invasion of Gaza by the Israelis. Leaving that we discovered a beautiful sight of flying chocolates next to the shot tower where lead shot for guns were produced until the 1960s. When we got back to our hotel we took in the view, after which it was time for dinner and looking at the light up buildings. The next day we took the free trolley around the CBD to a park where we quickly took advantage of the playground equipment. The spinning post ride was amazingly simple but effective and could make a person naussause in seconds. The cow in the tree next to the bay caught our attention before KT had a laugh with the locals. Actually the Docklands part of Melbourne, really the whole CBD, are chock full of sculptures and various instalations.
We soon made a startling discovery with several major

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