Sunday 24 February 2008

Tasmanian Holiday Part 1

Earlier this week we came back from our great holiday to Tasmania, which is located off the coast of south eastern Australia. It is only about 2800 km or 1740 miles from Antarctica making it the furthest south that either of us has ever been. First I would like to give a shout out to the casualty of this trip, our canon G7 camera. It died halfway through, but will hopefully be repaired under warranty in the US.
Now on to the photos. The first night, and it turned out the second night as well, we stayed at a bed and breakfast that was on a working fruit farm. We were allowed to stuff our faces with different varieties of plums, apricots, and blackberries. We made sure to take full advantage of it and got so full of fruit we missed lunch, it was great. We also played with the various animals that were on the farm, and relaxed in our tower room. In the afternoon we decided to start exploring Tasmania's penal colony past by going to the Richmod Gaol. KT tried to see if she could get a free nights accommodation, but they kicked us out. The next day we went to Port Arthur which is the most famous penal colony in Tasmania. Along the way with stopped to look at some of the dramatic vistas of the coastline with it's sheer sandstone cliffs. The photos of the ruined buildings are at Port Arthur which was sold off to the general public after the penitentiary was closed, only to be made into a National Heritage Site. Can you find KT in the chapel room(the white room with wooden separations so that convicts couldn't see each other during mass), and in the last photo of the ruins? After Port Arthur we made a quick trip to the beach where we were the only people making sure to heed the signs about the Tasmanian Devils. On the way back our trusty steed took us through some very dramatic and beautiful evening skies. Stay tuned for the next part of our Tassie exploration.


Unknown said...

I found waldo.

Christina said...

LOL i liked finding KT as well