Here are some of our photos of our trip to The Great Barrier Reef. We just got a underwater case for our camera and so we took advantage of it. TV went scuba diving and took all the photos that have a blue tint on the dive. The rest of the water photos were taken while we both snorkeled on the reef. You will recognize the photos of the clown fish, turtle, and sting ray, but there are also good photos of brain coral, a blue starfish, razor fish that swim head down, and other underwater marvels. That's right folks KT even managed to control her fear and went snorkeling, the proof is in the photos. Stay tuned for the second installment...
What incredible photos, you two...I'm impressed!! It truly is "other worldly". And, way to go KT, you did it! Now, there is no "mountain you can't climb" (so to speak)!
looks like a grand old time. -mark
look at how close you got to the turtle! i want to get scuba certified... :]
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