Tuesday 7 August 2007

Australian Fauna

Thomas refused to box this Kangaroo

Twins separated at birth!

Emilio's relatives

Finally, we were able to locate and capture on (digital) film some of the crazy creatures that call this isolationist, southern continent home. Luckily, they were all mostly located in the Natural History Museum so they didn't squirm too much when we tried to take their picture.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm animals look nice, but how do they taste? I heard kangeroo is supposed to be quite tasty. Maybe a roo pastor burrito? Do the owl-like creatures taste like chicken? I like animals- they're tasty.

Unknown said...

That is why dinosaurs went extinct. They were sooo tasty. And don't let TV get too close to the meat eating animals. I hear it is bad to feed the wildlife.

Nadia said...

Poor wildlife, they'll get sick.

KT and TV said...

At the end of August we are going to go see some real live animals in Queensland. We just booked a trip to the rain forest and the Great Barrier Reef.