Friday 27 July 2007

TV's School

Here are photos of some of the buildings at the University of Sydney. The first five photos are of the main building on campus. This building houses a central courtyard that used to be tennis courts, but now has grass for relaxing. One half of the building is built in the style of Oxford and the other half is modeled on Cambridge University. This building also houses the Archeology Museum and the Art Gallery. One wing of the building is home to the Great Hall which looks like a church hall. It is where most people graduate. The last four photos are of other buildings from the older part of the campus. This school really makes it feel like you belong to an institution rather than just a school. Some of the photos are from a camera phone so the quality isn't the greatest.


Connie said...

The school looks substantial and downright "venerable"! I love the buildings... they do have a European feel! Are most of your classes located in one building? Can't wait to hear about the coursework...

eric said...

Great looking place.
The school looks great too.
Are you ready for the cat sculpture yet. It doesn't look like you have much room.

ron said...

Blimey, It looks like you're in bloody old England. How 'bout some fotos of a barbie, or a dingo, or some other Aussie stereotype?

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I'm impressed. Has school even started yet? I'm wondering what your coursework will be and how you like it so far.
Aunt Lanie

Connie said...

I have to say, every picture so far has a bit of an "eerie" feel...WHERE are all of the other people in Sydney??!!! Has some catastrophe happened and you and KT are there all by yourselves?

Unknown said...

Hahaha, actually Tomas' new program is about zombies and it is really short. In fact it ends 28 days (or weeks) later.

Christina said...

it DOES look like england. how exciting :] feels like cambridge....not that i've ever been there before. ;) WAY better looking than davis. lol.