Monday 30 July 2007

Poll Question Answer

Here is a video answer to our first poll question.
Here are your answers: Clockwise: 6 votes Counter-clockwise: 9 votes Who cares: 7 votes


Unknown said...

Post more cool videos!!!!

Except that one was lame. You guys could have said either way and I would have believed you. Why the heck did you waste good syrup? I couldn't see it spin!

KT and TV said...

It was tomato juice and it's your own fault for being so gullible.


Unknown said...

I knew it! Thank you, Bill Nye, the Science Guy! I knew I could depend on the knowledge he gave me every Saturday morning.

Christina said...

i totally saw it going the way you said :] fun! you guys are too funny :] what's your physical address (unless you posted it) i can send you guys some fun things form the US! let me know if you're craving anything!